Hallo Gemeinde,
ich bin gerade auf diese Nachricht von einen m.M. bemerkenswerten Mann gestossen und wollte sie einfach mit euch teilen.
Wie heißt es, "die Wege des Herrn sind unergründlich". DIe Wege zum Glück anscheinend auch.

P.S. Ich hoffe Ihr seid des Englisch mächtig. Wenn ich den Text nochmal in deutsch finde stelle ich Ihn nochmal rein.

99-Year-Old MTA Employee Plans To Retire

LOS ANGELES - Arthur Winston says that it's about time he retired. Images | Video He and his crew have cleaned and maintained 12 buses a day for a long time.

His work shoes show the wear and tear after miles and miles he's walked as a service attendant leader at the MTA.

At the tender age of 99, he's calling it quits.

"I'll be 100 years old on March 22," Winston said.

To put his retirement into perspective, consider that when he was born in 1906, much of America traveled by horse and buggy, not bus.

And when he first started working for LA's mass transit system in 1924, most of his current co-workers' parents hadn't been born.

"I feel like I give the man an honest day's work. Fact is, my work is not hard," said Winston.

Winston is remarkable not only for his longevity, but his durability. "I missed one work day out of the 77 years," said Winston.

That day was for his wife's funeral in 1978.

Sickness didn't keep him from the bus yard. He tells NBC4 that he has a simple remedy: castor oil or tea.

Winston attributes his long life to not smoking, not drinking and not being in debt.

There'll be a big birthday party, and a retirement bash. But Winston says he's not going to slow down. "I eliminate getting up at four o'clock now. In the morning I'll eliminate that. I'll get up about eight now."

His retirement schedule starts on March 25.
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