Hier zur allgemeinen Erbauung von Shunryu Suzuki:

When you become attached to a temporal expression of your true nature,
it is necessary to talk about Buddhism, or else you will think the temporal expression is it.
But this particular expression of it is not it.
And yet at the same time it is it!
For a while this is it;
for the smallest particle of time,
this is it.
But it is not always so:
the very next instant it is not so,
thus this is not it.
So that you will realize this fact, it is necessary to study Buddhism.
But the purpose of studying Buddhism is to study ourselves and to forget ourselves.
When we forget ourselves, we actually are the true activity of the big existence, or reality itself.
When we realize this fact, there is no problem whatsoever in this World, and we can enjoy our life without feeling any difficulties. The purpose of our practice is to be aware of this fact.
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